5 تم العثور على وظائف

Creoshift SAL


منذ 3 سنوات Zahle - 19.76كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
Creoshift is looking for a Senior Back-end Developer with demonstrated experience in Laravel Framework (PHP) in addition to proven passion for building great products and ability t...
Creoshift SAL

Senior UI/UX Designer

منذ 4 سنوات Zahle - 19.76كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
We are looking for a senior UI/UX Designer to create both functional and appealing features that address our clients’ needs. RESPONSIBILITIES: Gather and evaluate user requirements...
Creoshift SAL

Graphic Designer

منذ 4 سنوات Zahle - 19.76كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
We are in need of a dash of engaging visuals and graphics!Graphic Designers send us your portfolios; we need you on our team to create engaging and on-brand graphics for digital me...
Creoshift SAL

Digital Copywriter (Content Creator)

منذ 4 سنوات Zahle - 19.76كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
Creoshift SAL is seeking a creative digital copywriter to join its growing team and to be responsible for writing and editing websites & blogs content. Copywriter will work wit...
Creoshift SAL

Project Manager

منذ 4 سنوات Zahle - 19.76كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
Creoshift is seeking an experienced Project Manager to join our team in our Zahle office location. We are looking for hard working individuals who can share in our success and pass...

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