3 تم العثور على وظائف


Procurement & Logistics Coordinator - Bekaa Area

منذ 3 سنوات Bekaa - 0كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
Responsible for assisting the procurement manager in all department needs (machinery spare parts)Abide by procurement process and proceduresAnalyze purchase request, identify purch...

HR Manager - Bekaa Area

منذ 3 سنوات Bekaa - 0كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
Job Brief: We are looking for a professional and skilled HR manager to join our team. The HR manager will be responsible for the development, implementation, and improvement of HR...
Pharmaceutical Company

Executive Assistant - Female

منذ 5 سنوات Baabda - 1.39كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
A leading Pharmaceutical company located in Jnah  is looking for an Executive Assistant . The Executive Assistant should provide office services and manage administrative projects....

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