5 تم العثور على وظائف

Joee Freelance HR

Young Girls for Photoshoot

منذ سنتين Beirut - 64.28كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
Looking for young & presentable female aged between 16-40 years old for a photo shooting for fashion brand located in beirut area if interested, kindly send a photo to joeehajj...
HR Recruit

Nail Care Trainer

منذ 4 سنوات Beirut - 64.28كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
Our client is looking for a Nail Care Trainer with high technical skills including Gel & Acrylic know-how, to train new clients on the company's products & willing to...
HR Recruit

1-Nails & Waxing Technicians 2-Certified Female Masseuse for Swedish M...

منذ 4 سنوات Beirut - 64.28كم وقت كامل $-- لكل شهر
A high-end "Beauty Salon" in Ashrafieh is hiring the below positions:♡ Certified Female Masseuse for Swedish Massage & Foot Reflexology.✾ Nails & Waxing Technicians: Experi...
Joee Freelance HR

Young females for photoshooting

منذ 5 سنوات Beirut - 64.28كم Freelance $-- لكل يوم
Looking for young & presentable females aged between 18-45 years old for a photo shooting for an online fashion shop. if interested, kindly send your photos .
Joee Freelance HR


منذ 5 سنوات Beirut - 64.28كم عقد $-- لكل شهر
Looking for young & presentable females aged between 18-45 years old for a photo shooting for an online fashion shop if interested, kindly send your photos

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